I went online today with two goals in mind. One - I needed to post somethig about the Leave no trace policy and my take on that since I've been posting a lot of itineraries on my blog and it occured to me that I also needed to share something about cultural and environmental awareness. Two - get an MP3 for my friend.
I am not an expert on either cultural and environmental awareness but I wanted to let everyone know that traveling is not just about having fun or getting lost.It's about experiencing the place through its people, getting to know them, being aware that we also have to extend ourselves to them. It's not just about taking pictures or eating great food. By being in a place, we become a part of that locality - that we can't act like celebrity on tour.
Traveling is also about caring for the nature we admire, making sure we do not disturb the place and that we preserve its beauty by not leaving our trash behind and not picking up stuff that belong there like flowers, stones - no matter how nice they look.
The Leave no trace policy which every true mountaineer adheres to is something that all travelers must also adapt.
Take nothing but pictures
Kill Nothing But Time
Leave Nothing but footprints